Live in a state of dynamic enlightenment
Synergistic Scalar Energy Technology shifts your vibration while you sleep, work, relax and play.
The Quantum Miracle system opens up a totally new dimension of personal expansion and transformation using Voice Assessment Feedback, Scalarwave Entrainment, Inert Noble Gases and targeted Golden Six Wave Form Soundtracks.
Remove deep fears.
Awakens the spiritual glands that have been dormant for thousands of years.
Accelerates your Intuition, Awakening & Transformation
Clears environment of discordant energy and EMFs.
Creates a dynamic quantum-scalar energy field that raises your vibration 24×7.
Entrains you effortlessly with deep delta, theta, gamma alpha brainwave states.
Improves happiness, mood, relationships and quality of life. The Miracle: Simple to use.
Deepens your meditation, sleep, and your learning and concentration power.
Automatically balances and clears your chakras.

To learn more from our Tribe about the Quantum Miracle iQube, Download the Free Ebook.
Hear Directly From Our Customers
The Miracle has helped me too physically rest better, sleep better and feel more refreshed and energized. I am having an easier time getting into meditation and felt that I am able to go deeper. My clarity and focus are much better. I feel much more centered and balanced in spite of the chaos around me.
I love having the Miracle iQube in my office. I have been having more success in many dimensions in the last weeks.
I have quadrupled my business as a healer in the Vail area. I have a lot more energy to do my healing work with my clients. I love the energy of the Miracle. Many of my clients have just shifted into greater health and awakening including reduction of physical and emotional symptoms. Four of my clients fell in love with the Miracle in my office and bought one. 35 of my clients bought the OmPocket. It is a blessing.
We hand create 6 nested Tesla based Scalar Vortex coils and proprietary Golden Six frequency waveform to shift your frequency
With the Quantum Miracle iQube brain training system, every cell in your body will be imprinted at a deeper level with higher frequencies. You will retrain out the stress patterns creating deep relaxation, creativity, and inner peace.
You will begin to see, think, and create more clearly. By raising your frequency to a new octave, the decalcification of the pineal gland (opening your third eye) will accelerate with the Quantum Miracle iQube more than any other iQube system. This is due to the enhanced imprinting capabilities of the triple-nested scalar vortex.
Cutting edge voice-analysis with our brainiac algorithm creates a sophisticated, finely tuned, evolutionary soundtrack to dissolve the repetitive patterns that keep you down.

Uplifts you in Plug & Play Scalar Energy= 24×7 Positive Vibes.
RELAX into the field of Coherent, Calm, Zero point harmony. Plug & play 24×7 Scalar Sound. Inert Noble Gas Technology wraps your environment and your being in a coherent zero point energy field.
Free coherent vibrational energy support delivered right into your home 24×7. You just go about the business of creating your life with clarity, coherence, and love. It does the rest to support you energetically.
24×7 Surround Scalar Sound envelops and protects you while training your brain and being to live in a high vibration creative sanctuary. Practitioner grade system offers maximum effects for wellness to empower your life.

Rejuvenates Your Health & Harmonizes Your environment.
Next generation Breakthrough technology…
(10x as powerful as the original Quantum Harmony iQube)
Simple, intuitive and made for everyone.
- It’s portable and affordable and can be up and running within minutes. Use in the comfort of your own home.
- Effective, Safe, Portable.
- Include pets and family members of all ages.
The Quantum Miracle system opens up a totally new approach to personal wellness using Voice Analysis, Targeted Sound Frequencies and Tesla based Scalar Energy.
Visible Proof of Chakra Balancing


Introductory Offer
2 triple-nested scalar wave vortex Tesla-like coils (2x the Quantum Harmony iQube)
1 custom inert noble gas xenon ampoule
1 custom inert noble gas all 5 includes: argon, neon, helium, krypton, xenon
1 Digital Player Pre-programmed with all major frequency programs (telomeres, organs, glands, gamma brain waves, theta brain waves, focus frontal lobe for enhanced focus & concentration, Schumann resonance for Earthing/grounding, food imprinting, wellness, heart opening, digestion, pineal activation, lucid dreaming, raise your frequency, and clearing environment)
Light therapy: LEDs, 4 on each side for cellular rejuvenation
Hexagonal Copper Cores for grounding and balancing energy
Carbon Inserts
1 Oxygen Insert
Voltage adapter for 110/220 voltage requirements

Golden Six Wave Form:
Binaural Beat Power Tripled: Holographic Sound
When Ken Wilber, America’s most cited living philosopher, was asked what an average person could do to raise their consciousness, his reply was…
“There’s already a technology that can be used to raise human consciousness. It’s called binaural beats.”
Our system does not simply beat two frequencies together like binaural beats but it triples the power of Binaural Beats by beating six frequencies together. This amplifies the intensity of its power dramatically.
We generate a complicated interference pattern comprised of six waveforms and the interference pattern thus generated exhibits dynamic shifting in four-dimensional space (The 3 dimensions and time). By the use of a phasing equation, we are able to manipulate the Scalarwave energy construct so so that it maximizes the impact on the receiving system.
You need to be aware that these “frequencies’ beating together can create odd sounds. Suspend the judgment of your mind. It will not help you to experience or understand this. This is sound medicine. It is detecting and releasing stress. These waveforms are not designed to be pleasant or aesthetic like music. It is designed for your maximum growth, evolution, and healing. Take the vibrational medicine. Over time it will balance, harmonize and nourish the systems of your subtle energy field.